Daily Libra Horoscope March 25 (25/03)


Sep 23 − Oct 22

Alias: Alias: The Scales

March 25


daily libra horoscope:

summary libra daily

Star 10/10

A Sun/Venus conjunction in your opposite sign highlights whether or not effort youre investing toward a relationship or contractual matter is worth making. Whether its a demand made of your heart, bank balance or both, you could feel youre struggling to match expectations. Its time to take stock of what youre giving and why. Dont resist introducing change where its needed.


summary libra tomorrow

Star 8/10

A sense of duty or obligation in one area might be detracting you from focusing on what youd prefer to be doing, so allow your brilliant organizational side to kick in and get through whatever mundane chores or tasks are demanding attention. Mars influence could prove helpful be boosting your effort levels, ensuring you can give your all to what does motivate or inspire you.


summary libra weekly

Star 7/10

This weeks events could surround the tense link between Jupiter in your sign and Pluto in your solar sector of foundations. Tension, possibly connected with home or family, is about to increase and reach breaking point. This could also be amplified by a belief on your part that youre not being listened to or supported in a way you need both. Its likely that thoughts, feelings or opinions could be released. This, as youll see, will prove to be more positive than it sounds.


summary libra monthly

Star 9/10

Theres considerable planetary activity in your opposite sign of relationships and commitments this month. March commences with Venus going retrograde in this sector until mid-March. A New Moon on the 27th could help with a fresh start surrounding one partnership and you refraining from reflecting on the past. The arrival of Mercury and the Sun help the pace to pick up on relationship fronts but a tense Jupiter/Pluto link on the 30th brings home or family-related tension. An almighty clearing of the air might be whats needed to improve a domestic situation.


health libra daily

Star 9/10

You may be having a little more fun than usual these days! Or maybe that\s unusual fun? You have the energy to go out more, to do more, to tolerate more than you thought you could. Don\t forget about the organ you need to take special care of as a result. To help your liver through this party-focused time, here is what you might ingest: blackberries, tomatoes, fresh, young dandelion - if you can get it -, beets. Go to the farmer\s market or the grocery store and stock your fridge with some healthy items!


health libra tomorrow

Star 9/10

The planetary alignment supports you in doing what is right for you on the physical level. If you are travelling this month for work or pleasure, take extra care to give yourself the regular dietary care and exercise you need. The right foods are nourishing, provide enough vitamins and trace elements, and taste great all at the same time. And the best exercise provides good blood pressure, flexibility, and balance. Try some Bikram yoga to gently but deeply strengthen your legs and lower back.


health libra weekly

Star 9/10

Despite the fact that you get annoyed over some issues, you\re still ready to bop. Your only problem could be too much of a good thing. Don\t fall for the misapprehension that if you exercise more, take more supplements, stay in the sauna longer, or get more massages, you\ll be even fitter. It\s possible to overdo it. You\ll feel better if you find a balance.


health libra monthly

Star 10/10

This month can be an excellent time to take stock. If you made any New Year\s resolutions, did you manage to stick with them? Don\t feel bad if you didn\t. Just think about what you can do now to get back on track. In addition, it can help to focus on making those changes that are most important to you. While other people might influence you to go on a diet, exercise more, or pay more attention to your health in general, the impetus needs to come from you. Do this for yourself and you may find that your motivation soars. Looking for guidance? Consult a spiritual advisor now Looking for guidance? Consult a spiritual advisor now


love libra daily

Star 9/10

You may feel an intense attraction today toward someone you may only have noticed in passing until now. You feel very drawn to them in ways that are inexplicable, as you do not know this person that well. Yet on another level you do know them extremely well, and it is this feeling that is pulling you like a magnet, ever closer.


love libra tomorrow

Star 10/10

This could be a perfect day for all kinds of relationships. The day\s planetary constellation puts most people in an optimistic frame of mind, and ensures that good company surrounds you. However, you don\t want to be sitting around drinking coffee all afternoon. Take a loved one out and have a real heart-to-heart talk about what the future holds for you both.


love libra weekly

Star 10/10

Dating can be awkward, uncomfortable, embarrassing, and stressful, but it can also be wonderful! Take the good with the bad at the beginning of the week, and don\t abandon your hope of finding that one perfect person. Just like the fairy tale goes, you have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find your prince or princess! Chemistry is key over the weekend, so if you aren\t feeling it, move on.


love libra monthly

Star 8/10

Venus turns retrograde on March 4, sending your love life into a tailspin, but it\s nothing you can\t recover from. In fact, use this brief romantic downtime to think about how to go about your next romantic adventure, but don\t be too quick to act. A Sun/Saturn square on March 17 brings obstacles that challenge your self-confidence, but your doubts will disappear once you\re able to see the big picture. The Jupiter/Pluto square on March 26 brings more unusual complications, but you\re getting used to handling romantic entanglements. Bring it on. Looking for guidance? Consult a spiritual advisor now Looking for guidance? Consult a spiritual advisor now


career libra daily

Star 10/10

The politics surrounding the events of the day will be quite ugly. There is much more going on than just surface battles. You will need to read between the lines in order to understand the full scope of the situation and the difficulties that result.


career libra tomorrow

Star 8/10

You have been given the green light, so put the pedal to the metal. Your original and unique approach will receive much praise and reward throughout the day, so don\t be afraid to flaunt your ideas to the people around you. Success will result.


career libra weekly

Star 8/10

This can be a very exciting week! It encourages new ideas. Teamwork and group meetings can spark a more progressive and effective attitude. This period brings an opportunity to shine. Proposals that may have met with resistance can at last find needed support. Unions and other forms of collective bargaining can support your interests now. You may find yourself in the middle of office politics. This is a powerful time to prepare for a job interview.


career libra monthly

Star 10/10

A period of obscurity will end toward mid-March. When the Full Moon rises on March 12, it will be easier to get the credit youre due. Instead of being asked to clean up from behind the scenes, youll be able to display your talent in a public forum. This role will restore your confidence and make you a force to be reckoned with. Toward the end of the month youll be able to form an alliance with a highly creative person. This persons rebellious behavior may rub you the wrong way at first, but be patient. Youll soon see theres method to your partners madness. Looking for guidance? Consult a spiritual advisor now Looking for guidance? Consult a spiritual advisor now



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